Chuck it all! WebDesignStudio5


Having selected the Porsche 944 and much research done online for the transplant, it was determined that the Ford motor was very much unchartered territory and there was much more scope and information for a Chevy motor thus the Porschette was born. First things first, would the sucker even fit in there?

After very nearly dropping th block on young James, we managed to drop it into the engine bay to see if this was a fit.

And it did, just about, so we started in earnest, painting and welding, cutting and standing around deliberating and such! Assembling. Disassembling. Reassembling.

And as you can see, Norman was much happier with the whole affair.

We were ready to fire her up. Fire being the operative word!

But after that minor hiccough, we were ready to run again.

And after an abortive initial test where we destroyed the thrust vonverter with measurements being out and the pilot bearing waggling around loose like a dick in a bucket, we dropped the transmission out again, replaced it and were ready to race! See EARLY BATHS